Sunday, June 12, 2011

So Much To Do, So Little Time

It recently hit me that I only have about 3.5 weeks left stateside before I head off....I'll be leaving Portland at the end of the month, spending a week in Spokane at my parents', and then heading to Guanajuato, Mexico for *hopefully* the last summer of my Masters program.  Then, it's back to Spokane on the 29th of July for 48 hours and I leave for Zambia on August 1.  Whew--I'm exhausted just thinking about all I have to do in the next few weeks. 

Plus, for some reason, I just can't seem to motivate myself to do anything.  Perhaps I'm dragging my feet because I'm afraid that it really means this is REAL.  So, in order to help me prioritize and hopefully light a fire under my ass, I've made a to do list of things that HAVE to get done.  Now.

-Find Renters for my House (thought this was accomplished, but it might not be)
-Finish My Thesis
-Finish My Thesis Presentation (Power Point)
-Finish My Year at Creston and Pack Up My Classroom
-Pack Up (Mexico and Zambia)
-Shipment to Zambia
-Move Out of my House
-Buy Ruby's Pet Carrier

I think I have to go throw up now.  I'm overwhelmed and under-motivated...not a good combo.


KXJ said...

Do you have all of your import papers and such ready? If you need help there Dr. Liza did it for me and it was seamless. (If you got through an agency you won't have to worry about it; we did it ourselves because it was so much cheaper.)

Heather C. said...


I *think* I have everything in order. I purchased a Pet Passport for Zambia from the Pet Passport Superstore and I've gotten all of Ruby's innoculations up to date as well as all copies of her vet history. I also have an appointment on August 1 to get her cleared for her international travel certificate (has to be done no more than 10 days before travel). Do you have any other suggestions? What other papers are you talking about specifically? (AISL has arranged for the majority of the official work/import certificates, I'm mostly just worried about Ruby). Could you also send me Dr. Liza's information--I know on the Zambian Pet Import Permit you need to take your dog straight-away to their Zambian vet for a check-up once you arrive. Could you elaborate on your experience a bit more?

Thanks so much,
